/ April 26, 2019/ Portfolio

Description: BibleSuperSearch.com Website

URL: https://www.biblesupersearch.com

Date: 2019

Platform:  WordPress, using Agama theme (version-locked) with a child theme.

(Note: This does NOT include the Bible SuperSearch software.)


  • Lazy-loaded list of articles on home page.
  • Software download page via custom shortcode.
  • Embedded Bible SuperSearch UI into website theme and appearance.
  • Embeded Bible SuperSearch UI (link) as simple form on homepage. Using homepage form redirects to full form on search page.
  • Multiple custom contact forms, including a very detailed one for requesting professional installation.  https://www.biblesupersearch.com/install-request-form/
  • FAQ Page
  • Bible Downloads page (using shortcode)
  • Something for Every Need page

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